1. Shed fat: Continuously. Unlike a weight loss
program, keep getting at it often. No, this is not to mean cutting
resources or going for a re-org. These are at best symptomatic
treatments that lasts a fall.
Shedding fat, in Lean, implies to
keep looking at ways to continuously drive away what we would accumulate
as we grow, produce and do new things. Things could be excess
inventory, unused or rarely required tools, never ending projects, cost
escalating services, unproductive events, inflated processes, innovation
lacking teams, etc.
Focusing on Rapid Improvement Events,
standard work and following the associated playbook eliminates Mura
(uneveness, irregularities), avoids Muda (waiting, surprises, shifting
priorities, scrapping of work) and empowers teams to avoid Muri
(over-burden, working without clarity). It is therefore, an essential
quick win and showing the results motivates your entire team to keep
getting good at Lean philosophy.
2. Be clean: Cleanliness
is godliness and it is a fact. Keeping surrounding clean, allows to
identify dirt and dirt making elements, helps shed fat sooner rather
than allow them to fester. A clean environment brings in productivity,
drives discipline, lets in sunshine, promotes transparency, discourages
dark rooms, limits back side gossips, rumors or lingering bad
after-effects, and above all encourages us to be clear in thoughts,
words and deeds.
Daily Kaizen, Kaizen events and an ever-attentive
focus on 5S(sort, set, shine, standarize and sustain) helps to instilll
the spirit in teams to keep the surroundings and environment clean.
Environment and systems are the pillars that promote transparency and
ethical behaviors in business dealings.
3. Allow honest confrontations: A
big letdown, often is the case in diversity focused teams, is
leadership style. Teams tend to perceive, due to their diverse
experiences and backgrounds, different interpretations for actions,
unrelated attributions, seeing seeming patterns that might just be an
aberration, probable theories in decisions and many other relationships
that suits their mindset. Interpersonal strife and collaborative
challenges rule until open communications and reiteration of meanings
serve as the key.
Continuous coaching, feedback and teaching
treating these instances as learning opportunities along with
transparent dialog becomes the guiding light that determines leaders and
teams actions. Being Genuine and feeling empathy are not weaknesses in
leaders. Counter-intuitively, they in fact, make the leaders stand tall
and helps them work adapting within the teams mental models.
culture encourages the practice of Gemba walks, take decisions after
Gembutsu, rely on Genjitsu and Genri that ensures quick navigation back
to standard work and Genichi styles and working in self formed quality
circles enable honest conversations in the workplace.
4. No penalty culture: It
is not about affixing responsibilities to people but identifying what
misses led to this fall ? An occurrence of an issue inevitably leads to
a gap in the process and if detected late means audit system in turn
are non-existent. As my boss, often says, a disaster is never because of
one event. It is a series of misses that blows up making people believe
a cause and effect relationship to the last blunder.
Make mistakes - Share problems, Fail often - Post Improvements, rely on recognizing that process and not people are the cause of any screw up. It is always about: Why did your system allow the person to fail? In
almost all cases, a process gap or failure to follow a process or lack
of understanding, missing warning systems are identified as primary
causes and Lean teams acknowledge and celebrate these improvements
The spirit of acknowledging mistakes and treating every
opportunity to listen to feedback and as a learning need will build the
spirit of continuous improvement. Continuous Improvements are the
cornerstone to promote innovation and free the spirits high to soar.
is all about learning and improving. This makes the Lean program
learn-able for every one where lean practicing teams bond stronger than
beat each other in the journey of optimizing productivity and changing
5. Customer Satisfaction is the center of all action: It
is not the end result as some training programs and managers speak it
out to be. The end result is company's profitability (can exist if they
can sell to customers), value (can happen only when they deliver quality
and have high perceptions on the abilities with
employees believing high on their company), and brand (only when they do
more than just exist for commercial transactions) in the marketplace.
for customer is the hidden, unusable, rarely used, not so important
feature that costs them but isn't delivering a value or never used at
all. A product with Value is essentially a product that rings in
customer satisfaction every time of use and is produced eliminating
waste: For user, customer and people working on the project. Waste from
production lines(scrap, unused inventory, longer work in progress times
and many more) add to the costs that skews on the pricing.
has identified 7 forms of waste. Continuously eliminating them from
production lines and end products helps enhance the value. Takt time,
One piece flow, stopping the line are all hallmarks that great,
disciplined teams can alone perform. High productive and inherently
quality products emerge from Lean environments that provide repeatable
and remarkable benefits to customer.
6. Put premium on process: Rewards
should go to people who enhance and improve the process, not their
importance. Following and practicing structured problem solving
approaches will make individuals successful and teams scale performance
benchmarks by addressing root causes than just symptoms. A team of stars
could remain just that: People as stars in their individual right. A
team, bonded by a system, glued by processes, incentivised to become
teachers for others, survive, thrive and emerge as great champions.
Kanri, Takt time, Poke-Yoke, Visual Management, Kanban and other tools
help provide the framework for professional collaboration and grounds-up
empowered decision making teams.
7. Measure and reach targets: What
is visible gets recorded, What is recorded gets improved and what is
improved is appreciated. Lean is so good at this cycle.The purpose of
any system is to track data. Recording necessitated and planned data is
an integral element in successful teams. In Lean and in any quality
system, the fundamental premise is to Do what you say, and Say what you
do. In other words, what is acted upon is documented as a process. A
documented process is audited for its performance. A performance gap is
mentioned as an opportunity for improvement. All improved and
benchmarked processes are certified. All improvement opportunities drive
towards consistency, predictability, stability, and team satisfaction.
Heijunka, Stop the Line and other quality tools with
Lean help establish a metrics driven culture in teams for all-round excellence, every minute, for long years to come.
cycle of positive spiral using the above 7 principles enables Lean
teams to get "Lean" and be good at it for years to come as the culture
starts moving in this direction.