Content Fragmentation is a reality in connected world. We end up consolidating content through a period, that spawns multiple days without a productive work. Most aggregator sites have tapped into this potential, yet the options among them (Mashable, Alltop, Google Reader, etc) make us compete to shuttle between them and digress from real reading. We will soon be competing for time in selecting devices than performing tasks that needs to get done.
e-Learning Planet is a great example. A good repository to emulate for an inclusive learning culture in social world that can be adapted by organizations within their intranets. An inclusive culture to mesh courses from various sources is required to realize benefits of e-Learning in your organization.
e-Learning initiatives focus on content threading and learning path creation adds more value and weight to an individual and corporate training programs. The individuals going through a prescribed learning program adaptive to their goals adds more weight and saves time. e-Learning programs hence need to contain an inventory of sources of relevant and interesting content HAND PICKED from various sources and made available inline. I foresee Instruction Design practice take on a "pedagogic collation" role (pick courses and address pedagogic intent for delivery) that helps in achieving a good Personal learning experience (PLE) and allows to Measure Performance Goals (MPG). Technologies can find related content, but it requires a good coach to sift them and arrange them for an energizing reading experience.
How else have you overcome surfing fragmented content and pushed yourself to serious read ? Would wish to learn from you through the comments section.